Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hi, I have been enjoying the weekend with my boyfriend, he is home and leaves again tomorrow for another 2 week business trip. It sounds awful that he is traveling so much while I am injured and in a halo but the alternative could have been him being laid off and without a job. He has arranged several people to come by and check in on me, I should have plenty of help and visitors this week which is good. I am feeling better about being around people and not so black-sheepish with the halo. 

We have been relaxing (what else can you do in a halo...) and catching up with one another. He cooked me a great dinner last night and then we enjoyed a great movie together. Of course it took me forever to eat, eating in the halo is so much fun ;-)

It is odd to sit next to someone on the couch and not be able to turn and look and them when you are having a conversation. I miss being able to turn my head when someone talks or I hear a noise I want to check out. I am slowly getting used to turning my torso instead of my head. What a strange feeling! 

I will check in later with everyone, I am making a list of questions of ask my new on-line friends who I have connected with through blogging. Both of them have been in halo's and have given me support and great information - THANK YOU!! 

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I have been following several other "halo" wearers blogs, they have all put up pictures. Well its my turn. 

This picture was taken after the halo was put on and the drugs wore off. I was happy, mainly to see a friend and be done with the dreaded procedure. 

I would like to publicly thank everyone for their thoughts and suggestions, life is getting better. 

I am almost done with my first 2 weeks, I have as many as 10 more to go, I am hoping to be done with the halo in 6 weeks.. Wish me luck!!! 

Can't Move

I have been at home adjusting and learning how to live with the halo. I am so surprised how much I cannot move. I guess we take everything for granted and now that I have no mobility in my neck and back I really feel helpless. 

It's not as bleak as you think, I am learning new things everyday and things are getting easier. I just need to learn how to dress and wear clothes that will fit and look somewhat normal. Never thought I would say this, but I would love to wear a bra (never thought I would say that!). 

Im looking to connect with other halo wearers, I have found two other blogs and reached out to them. Hoping to make friends to help me make it through. 

Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Brace (sort of...)

For those who may not know what a halo brace is or looks like here is a picture. I do not have a huge support system and have not had a lot of pictures taken but I thought this would give you a good idea of what the brace looks like. A few friends took pictures while I was in the hospital, I need to get the pictures from them. 

Welcome Home; Introduction

Let me first introduce myself; My name is Sue, I was involved in a car accident on Feb 11 of this year. Following the accident I learned that I had sustained a fractured neck. Since my time in the hospital I have been placed in a halo brace and completed 2 weeks of physical therapy. I returned home last week and decided I wanted to blog about my time in the halo. I am interested in sharing what I learn along the way and would also like to hear from others who are or have worn a halo brace. 

I am finding the brace very tough to live with at the present time, things have gotten better, but still I have not found this too be a lot of fun. 

This entry is just the start of my blog, I will include information and updates along the way, I would love to hear from anyone else in cyber-world that might have knowledge of what life is like in a halo. 

Thanks for reading, I am looking forward to hearing from others.